Thank you for visiting our policies page!
We want people to come to Whitefish Mountain Resort and we want everyone to have a good time. We also want people to feel safe. So in order to keep everyone as happy and protected as we can, we need to have a few policies. Thank you for taking the time to read these and share them with your family and friends.
Privacy Policy
In the course of interacting with customers and people who visit our internet sites, it is sometimes necessary for us to collect personal information. Other times we may ask that you voluntarily provide us with information so that we may better serve your needs. You are not required to provide any information requested other than that which we require in order to purchase goods and services from us.
If Winter Sports, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries ever collects any personal information from you, that information will never be sold, rented, donated, traded, or otherwise disclosed to any other individual or entity for any reason other than specified in this privacy policy and as required by law.
In the event that we do collect personal information from you, you will be given the option of whether or not you wish to receive future communications from us that we think may be of interest to you. If you do desire to receive future communications they will be from us and only us. Winter Sports, Inc. does not generally use third-party vendors to conduct marketing or informational communications, but in the case that we do choose to do so, the third-party vendor will be subject to the same strict privacy policies as are set forth in this policy. Any third-party vendors will be required to use any information provided to them by Winter Sports, Inc. solely for the purposes set forth by Winter Sports, Inc. Third-party vendors, if used, will be prohibited from disclosing, in any way, any information provided to them by Winter Sports, Inc.
Any financial and personal information transmitted to us over the internet in the course of purchasing goods or services from us is protected by SSL encryption and a signed SSL certificate. We take precautions to store all personal and financial information collected by us safely and securely and to limit access to any personal information collected by us to only those persons necessary to conduct the activities allowed by this privacy policy.
In short, your information is your own, and when you entrust us with it in order to purchase goods and services from us, or correspond with us, we take that responsibility very seriously.
– The Staff of Whitefish Mountain Resort
Conduct Policy
So that we can all have a pleasant experience, we’re asking our guests to adhere to a common sense decency policy when interacting with others on the mountain. Please review our full Conduct Policy guidelines here.
Show common courtesy to fellow resort guests and our resort employees. Do not use profanity or engage in unsafe, illegal or offensive behavior. Do not bring dangerous or hazardous materials on site.
Smoking is not permitted in the lift lines and in all indoor spaces.
Respect fellow guests and be responsive to direction from resort employees while skiing and riding, waiting in lift lines, using our various indoor facilities or attending our various events.
Comply with all notices and all directions and requests of any resort employee or security personnel.
Uphill Policy
It is your responsibility to read through the entire Uphill Travel Policy and study the Access Routes if you plan to travel uphill at Whitefish Mountain Resort.
Dogs are not permitted on chairlifts as they need to be properly trained to ride them. Dogs are not permitted in the gondolas because if they soil the gondola it is difficult to clean during operating hours making that gondola unavailable for other guests. Dogs are not allowed with Uphill Traffic.
Dogs (or other Domestic Animals) around Resort
Winter: Must be on a leash; cannot leave the parking lot.
Summer: Must be on a leash, not allowed in buildings. People with disabilities may bring qualified service animals onto the resort premises. Whitefish Mountain Resort holds the right to exclude the animals if there is a direct threat to the health and safety or our employees or guests. Besides the Ides & Manchester accommodations, animals are not allowed in any rented lodging properties other than service animals. WMR reserves the right to file complaints alleging the misrepresentation of service animals under section 3 of HB 439. Whitefish Mountain Resort has the right to ask you whether your animal is a service animal that is required because of the disability and what tasks the animal is trained to perform for you. The service animal must be housebroken and under the handlers control.
Emotional support animals are not considered service animals per the ADA and they are not allowed on the premises outside the parking lot.
ADA Policy
Whitefish Mountain Resort is committed to making our facilities and programs as accessible as possible for all guests and their families, including those individuals with disabilities. If you have an accessibility issue that may need a unique accommodation involving our activities, programs, and/or facilities, please give us as much advanced notice as possible. Whitefish will work with you and your family through an interactive process to determine a reasonable accommodation. Depending on the extent of the accommodation requested or unique accessibility needs, we may need as much as two weeks advanced notice to assess the accommodation(s) needed.
Sit Ski Access
Sit Skis can access Chair 1 via Patrol entrance if they are coming from west side of Chair 1 Terminal, or they can enter the general lift line. **Please note, priority will still be given to Ski Patrol to access when necessary.
Sit Skis can only access the ski school line at chair 1 if they are in a lesson (this includes DREAM Adaptive Lessons).
For all other lifts, sit skis must wait in the general lift line unless they are in a lesson in which they can access the ski school line.
Sit Ski Access
Guests who ride sit skis access Chair 1 via the ski patrol entrance on the west side of the lift terminal, opposite the general public line. For all other lifts, sit skiers use the Ski & Ride School lesson lines. Please note priority will be given to ski patrollers to board lifts when necessary.
Whitefish Mountain Resort does NOT allow guests to ski or ride while carrying infants in any type of backpack or baby carrier nor are they allowed on chairlifts/t-bars/magic carpet etc.
Winter: ONLY ON CHAIR 1 – Foot passengers ONLY are allowed to carry infants in front carriers on lifts.
Summer: Chair 1,6,10 – Foot passengers ONLY are allowed to carry infants in front carriers on lifts.
Foot Passengers
Whitefish Mountain Resort allows foot passengers on Chair 1/Big Mountain Express during Winter and Chairs 1,10,6 during Summer with a foot passenger ticket. Guests with foot passenger tickets are not permitted to wear ski or snowboard boots.
Warning: When warmer and/or wetter weather conditions exist in combination with the lubricants we use to maintain proper operation of the lift machinery, there is risk that chair lift rider’s equipment may be affected by water droplets that can stain clothing. WMR is not responsible for any damage to clothing caused by the combination of variable weather and the necessary lubricants used to keep lifts operating safely.
Ski Scooters
ALLOWED; but must come with a leash or tether. Abide by NSAA Skiers Responsibility Code and Montana Ski Statute.
Ski or Snow Bikes
ALLOWED; but must come with leash or tether. Must be designed to load lift without slowing or stopping. Only 1 rider per trike. Abide by NSAA Skiers Responsibility Code and Montana Ski Statute.
NOT ALLOWED; Snow bikes are not allowed to have gears, chain, wheels or tires or a crank assembly.
Fat Tire Bikes
NOT ALLOWED; Not allowed on Lifts.
NOT ALLOWED; Snow bikes are not allowed to have gears, chain, wheels or tires or a crank assembly.
Electric Bikes
Whitefish Mountain Resort and the Flathead National Forest do not allow the use of e-bikes anywhere on our resort’s trail system. This includes the Summit Trail, WMR’s bike park terrain and the Whitefish Trail system.
Snow Skateboards
ALLOWED; but must come with a leash or tether. Abide by NSAA Skiers Responsibility Code and Montana Ski Statute.
Sledding/Infant Ski Carriers (Baby Buggy)
Carrying Children
Whitefish Mountain Resort does NOT allow guests to ski or ride while carrying infants in any type of backpack or baby carrier nor are they allowed on chairlifts/t-bars/magic carpet etc.
Drone Policy
Due to safety and privacy concerns, Whitefish Mountain Resort prohibits the operation or use on or above Resort property of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by the general public—including model aircraft by recreational users and hobbyists—without the prior written authorization from Whitefish Mountain Resort.
This prohibition includes drones used for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within the area boundaries. This prohibition extends to any devices launched or operated from Resort property, as well as any launched from private property outside of the Resort boundaries. Please contact a resort representative if you have any questions or if you seek prior authorization to operate any such devices. Any authorized operation of drones on or above Resort property will be governed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, local law enforcement, (and / or U.S. Forest Service rules), as well as those policies separately established by this Resort, which may include certification, training, insurance coverage, indemnification requirements, and waivers or releases of liability. Any violation of this policy may involve suspension of your access privileges to the Resort, or the revocation of your season pass, as well as confiscation of any prohibited equipment, and may subject violators to any liability for damages, including, but not limited to, damages for trespass, violations of privacy, and physical injuries to persons and/or property, as well as legal fees.